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{{LUDFKurss|Operētājsistēmu inženierija|OSI|DatZ5048|2DAT5244|maģistru un doktorantu}}

* Pasniedzējs: Leo Seļāvo ''(epasts: vards.uzvards @ gmail.com)''

* {{KursiGGroup|lu-osi-m}}

* Vērtējums = 40% mājas un praktiskie darbi, 10% dalība klasē, 20% KD1 un 30% KD2(eksāmens).


== Kalendārs ==

{| border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4
! Nedēļas datumi
! Kursa saturs un lasāmviela
! Darbi un termiņi
==== 04.09.2014 ====
* Ievads, operētājsistēmas.
[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l1_intro.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes un "case study"].

* PC aparatūra un x86 programmēšana.
[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l2_x86.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes]

Lasāmviela: [http://www.drpaulcarter.com/pcasm/ Carter, Paul A. PC Assembly Language]. July 23, 2006. (Piezīme: nelasīt 5, 6, and 7.2. nodaļas)

Lasāmviela: [http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~mwalfish/classes/f09-cs395t/ref/ritchie84.pdf Ritchie, Dennis M. "The Evolution of the Unix Time-sharing System."] AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal 63, no. 6, Part 2 (October 1984): 1577-93.

* Uzdots mājas darbs [http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/hw/hw1_shell.pdf MD1]: programmēt čaulu
* Pasludināts praktiskais darbs [[LU-OSI-M10:PD#PD1 | PD1]].

==== 11.09.2014 ====
| OS organizācija.
[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l3_os_org.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes]

Lasāmviela: [http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/dahlin/Classes/UGOS/reading/engler95exokernel.pdf Engler, D. R., Kaashoek, M. F., and O'Toole, J. 1995. Exokernel: an operating system architecture for application-level resource management.] In Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (Copper Mountain, Colorado, United States, December 03 - 06, 1995). M. B. Jones, Ed. SOSP '95. ACM, New York, NY, 251-266.
Pasludināts [[LU-OSI-M10:PD#PD2 | PD2]].
==== 18.09.2014 ====
* Adrešu apgabali lietojot segmentāciju.
[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l4_segmentation.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes].
Lasāmviela: bootasm.S, bootother.S, bootmain.c, main.c, un init.c no [[LU-OSI-m12#xv6 | xv6]].

* Adrešu apgabali lietojot adrešu tabulas.
[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l5_page_tables.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes].
Lasāmviela: setupsegs no [[LU-OSI-m12#xv6 | xv6]].

==== 25.09.2014 ====
Pārtraukumu un izņēmumu (exception) apstrāde.
[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l6_interrupt.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes].
Lasāmviela: trapasm.S, trap.c, syscall.c, un usys.S no [[LU-OSI-m12#xv6 | xv6]].
[[LU-OSI-M10:PD#PD1 | PD1]] nodošanas '''termiņš'''.
==== 02.10.2014 ====
Daudzprocesoru vides un slēgšanas mehānismi (locking).
[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l7_lock.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes].
Lasāmviela: spinlock.c un pārskatīt mp.c no [[LU-OSI-m12#xv6 | xv6]].
[http://www.cis.temple.edu/~ingargio/cis307/readings/spinsem.html Vēl par spinlock-iem, semaforiem un futex]
==== 09.10.2014 ====
Pavedieni, procesi un konteksta pārslēgšanās.
[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l8_threads.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes].
Lasāmviela: proc.c, swtch.S, un sys_fork (sysproc.c) no [[LU-OSI-m12#xv6 | xv6]].
* [[LU-OSI-M10:PD#PD2 | PD2]] nodošanas '''termiņš'''.
* Pasludināts [[LU-OSI-M10:PD#PD3| PD3]].
==== 16.10.2014 ====
Procesi un koordinācija.
[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l9_coordination.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes].
Lasāmviela: proc.c, sys_exec, sys_sbrk, sys_wait, sys_exit, un sys_kill no [[LU-OSI-m12#xv6 | xv6]].
* [[LU-OSI-M10:PD#PD3 | PD3-A]] nodošanas '''termiņš'''.
==== 23.10.2014 ====
* Faili un disku ievads/izvads.
[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l10_fs.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes].
Lasāmviela: iread, iwrite, filewrite, fileread, wdir, mknod1 un saistīto kodu no sistēmas izsaukumiem iekšā fs.c, bio.c, ide.c un file.c no [[LU-OSI-m12#xv6 | xv6]].

* Vārdu piešķiršana (naming).
[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l11_name.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes].
Lasāmviela: namei un pārējo no fs.c, sysfile.c un file.c no [[LU-OSI-m12#xv6 | xv6]].
* [[LU-OSI-M10:PD#PD3 | PD3-B]] nodošanas '''termiņš'''.
* Pasludināts [[LU-OSI-M10:PD#PD4| PD4]].
==== 30.10.2014 ====
Augstas veiktspējas failu sistēmas.
[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l12_hi_perf_fs.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes].

Lasāmviela: [http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.828/2009/readings/journal-design.pdf Journaling the Linux ext2fs Filesystem]

* [http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.097/readings/journal-softupdate.pdf Ganger, Gregory R., M. Kirk McKusick, Craig A. N. Soules, and Yale N. Patt. "Soft Updates: A Solution to the Metadata Update Problem in File Systems."] ACM Transactions on Computer Systems 18, 2 (May 2000): 127-153.

==== 06.11.2014 ====
| Vidus semestra '''kontroldarbs'''
[[LU-OSI-M10:PD#PD4 | PD4-A]] nodošanas '''termiņš'''.

==== 13.11.2014 ====
Plānošana (scheduling).
[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l17_schedule.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes].

Lasāmviela: [http://www.cs.brown.edu/courses/cs161/papers/livelock.pdf Mogul, Jeffrey, and K. K. Ramakrishnan. "Eliminating Receive Livelock in an Interrupt-driven Kernel."] Proceedings of the USENIX 1996 Annual Technical Conference. San Diego, CA: January 1996.

[[LU-OSI-M10:PD#PD4 | PD4-B]] nodošanas '''termiņš'''.

==== 20.11.2014 ====
[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l15_mkernel.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes].

Lasāmviela: [http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= Liedtke, Jochen. "Improving IPC by Kernel Design."] 14th ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles (SOSP). Asheville, North Carolina: 5-8 December 1993.
[[LU-OSI-M10:PD#PD4 | PD4-C]] nodošanas '''termiņš'''.

==== 27.11.2014 ====

Virtuālās mašīnas.
[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l16b_vm2.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes 2010].
[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l16_vm.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes 2009 (atsaucās uz "Disco" publikāciju)].

Lasāmviela: Keith Adams, Ole Agesen, [http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/doc/adams06vmware.pdf "A Comparison of Software and Hardware Techniques for x86 Virtualization"] (VMware).

Lasāmviela (neobligāta): [http://www-flash.stanford.edu/~bugnion/Disco/sosp-html/ Bugnion, Edouard, Scott Devine, and Mendel Rosenblum. "Disco: Running Commodity Operating Systems on Scalable Multiprocessors."] In Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles. Saint-Malo, France: October 1997.
[[LU-OSI-M10:PD#PD4 | PD4]] visu daļu nodošanas '''termiņš'''.
==== 04.12.2014 ====

Mērogojama koordinācija.
[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l18_scalablecoord.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes].

* Lasāmviela: Mellor-Crummey, John M., and Michael L. Scott. [http://www.cs.rice.edu/~johnmc/papers/tocs91.pdf "Algorithms for Scalable Synchronization on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors."] ACM Transactions on Computer Systems 9, no. 1 (January 1991): 21-65.

* Lasāmviela (papildus): Andrew Baumann, Paul Barhamy, Pierre-Evariste Dagandz, Tim Harrisy, Rebecca Isaacsy,
Simon Peter, Timothy Roscoe, Adrian Schupbach, and Akhilesh Singhania, [http://www.sigops.org/sosp/sosp09/papers/baumann-sosp09.pdf "The Multikernel: A new OS architecture for scalable multicore systems."] In Proceedings of the
22nd SOSP, Big Sky, MT, USA, Oct 2009.

PD5 (individuālā projekta) tēmas izvēle (iesūtīt e-pastu).
==== 11.12.2014 ====
Čaula (shell).
[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l19_shell.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes].

* Lasāmviela: [http://plan9.bell-labs.com/sys/doc/rc.pdf Duff, Tom. "Rc - The Plan 9 Shell."]
* Lasāmviela: [ Haahr, Paul, and Byron Rakitzis. "Es: A Shell with Higher-order Functions."] In USENIX Technical Conference Proceedings (Winter 1993): 51-60.
==== 18.12.2014 ====



OS kļūdas un testēšana.
[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l22_bugs.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes].

* Lasāmviela: [http://stanford.edu/~engler/deviant-sosp-01.pdf Engler, Dawson, David Yu Chen, Seth Hallem, Andy Chou, and Benjamin Chelf. "Bugs as Deviant Behavior: A General Approach to Inferring Errors in Systems Code."] Symposium on Operating Systems Principles. Stanford, CA: Computer Systems Laboratory, Stanford University, 2001, pp. 57-72.
* Lasāmviela: [http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.097/readings/osbugs.pdf Andy Chou, Junfeng Yang, Benjamin Chelf, Seth Hallem, and Dawson Engler. "An Empirical Study of Operating Systems Errors."]

[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l21_xfi.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes].

* Lasāmviela: [http://research.microsoft.com/pubs/64368/xfi.pdf Erlingsson, Úlfar, Martín Abadi, Michael Vrable, Mihai budiu, and George C. Necula. "XFI: Software Guards for System Address Spaces."] Presented at the Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation (OSDI), Seattle, WA, November 6-8, 2006.

Drošība: OKWS.
[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l20_okws.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes].

* Lasāmviela: [http://www.usenix.org/event/usenix04/tech/general/full_papers/krohn/krohn.pdf Krohn, Maxwell. "Building Secure High-Performance Web Services with OKWS."] In Proceedings of the USENIX 2004 Technical Conference. Boston, MA: June 27-July 2, 2004, pp. 185-198.

Multics un UNIX.
[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l13_multics.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes].

* Lasāmviela: [http://www.multicians.org/f7y.html Corbató, F. J., J. H. Saltzer, and C. T. Clingen. Multics - The First Seven Years.] Presented at the Spring Joint Computer Conference, 1972. Montvale, NJ: The American Federation of Information Processing Societies Press, 1972.

OS servisu abstrakcijas.
[http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/notes/l14_plan9.pdf Lekcijas piezīmes].

* Lasāmviela: [http://doc.cat-v.org/plan_9/4th_edition/papers/9 Pike, Rob, Dave Presotto, Sean Dorward, Bob Flandrena, Ken Thompson, Howard Trickey, and Phil Winterbottom. Plan 9.] 4th ed. Murray Hill, NJ: Bell Laboratories.
==== 22.12.2014. - 01.01.2015.====
| Ziemassvētku un Jaungada brīvdienas
==== xx.01.2015 ====
* '''Eksāmens''' (xx:xx)
* '''Projektu demo sesija''' (kā daļa no eksāmena)

== Praktiskie darbi (PD) ==

* [[LU-OSI-M10:PD#PD1 | PD1]]
* [[LU-OSI-M10:PD#PD2 | PD2]]
* [[LU-OSI-M10:PD#PD3 | PD3]]
* [[LU-OSI-M10:PD#PD4 | PD4]]
* [[LU-OSI-M10:PD#PD5 | PD5]]
* [[LU-OSI-M10:PD#PD6 | PD6]]

* Kursa beigās jāiesniedz '''pašnovērtējums'''. Prezentācija ar 3 slaidiem, kur katrs atbild uz sekojošiem jautājumiem:
** Kam ieteiktu OSI kursu
** Ko kursā var apgūt, ko man tas deva, pozitīvais.
** Kas sagādaja visvairāk grūtības, negatīvais, pārsteigumi.

== QUEMU ==
Praktiskajiem darbiem nepieciešams uzstādīt modificētu QEMU emulatoru.
Ubuntu 11.04 vidē tas darāmas sekojoši (paldies Andrejam Vihrovam par piemēru):

binutils, GCC un GDB der jau tie, kas ir Ubuntu [1]. Lai uzstādītu
«īpašo» QEMU no MIT kursa lapas, var izpildīt šādus soļus:

sudo apt-get install binutils build-essential
sudo apt-get install checkinstall
sudo sed -i -e 's/TRANSLATE=1/TRANSLATE=0/' /etc/checkinstallrc
sudo apt-get build-dep qemu-kvm
wget -c http://web.mit.edu/6.828/src/qemu.2010/qemu-0.12.5-6828.2010-08-31.tar.gz
tar xzf qemu-0.12.5-6828.2010-08-31.tar.gz
cd qemu-0.12.5-6828
./configure --target-list="i386-softmmu"
sudo checkinstall
cd .. && rm -rf qemu-0.12.5-6828*

* "sed" rinda ir tāpēc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/checkinstall/+bug/815506
* Pēdējam checkinstal var atbildēt "n", "<enter>", "<enter>"

== Slaidi ==
* [http://jupiter.cs.fmf.lu.lv/kursi/osi-m/slides/osi01_intro.pdf Ievadlekcija, operetajsistēmas]
* [http://jupiter.cs.fmf.lu.lv/kursi/osi-m/slides/osi02_x86-arch.pdf X86 arhitektūra]
* [http://jupiter.cs.fmf.lu.lv/kursi/osi-m/slides/osi04_segmentation.pdf Adrešu segmentācija, virtuālās adreses un adrešu tabulas]
* [http://jupiter.cs.fmf.lu.lv/kursi/osi-m/slides/osi13_multics.pdf Multics]

== xv6 ==

Lekciju lasāmviela un praktiskie darbi atsaucas uz xv6 pirmkodu. Tas ir pieejams divos formātus:

* kā [http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/doc/xv6-rev8.pdf PDF fails]
* kā [http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/doc/xv6-rev8.tar.gz saarhivēta direktorija ar pirmkoda failiem]
* kā [http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/doc/xv6-rev8/ direktorija ar pirmkoda failiem]
* [http://selavo.lv/kursi/osi-m/doc/xv6-book-rev8/ Piezīmes par vx6], tematiski organizētas.

== Saites ==
* [[OSI-M_Tools | Rīki]]
* [http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~ajr/258/notes/pdp11.html PDP-11 assemblera] piezīmes. Dažos vecākos kursa uzdevumos vai tekstos varētu būt "iezagūšās" PDP asssemblera instrukcijas, piemēram "TST -(SP)".

* [http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.828/2014 analogs kurss MIT]

=== Interesanti OS projekti un lasāmviela ===
* [http://wiki.osdev.org/Main_Page OSDev Wiki]
* [http://bit.ly/V4E8xX Baking Pi] - how to write an OS for Raspberry Pi
* [http://gusc.lv/2012/11/im-writing-my-own-os/ Gusc writing his own OS] - check the comments - have interesting sources

''[[Leo:Kursi | '''Citi kursi''']] (ko lasa Leo Seļāvo) LU''

Revision as of 12:39, 15 September 2014

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