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Leo Seļāvo wiki (elomage@twitter) "To invent you need a good imagination and a pile of junk." (Thomas Edison)

Kursi ( LU DF)

2025 pavasaris LSP-b, DSP-b, BST-b, BST-m, DIP-m
Specsemināri: LU_Robotika, KFS,

Mācību piezīmes

Citas piezīmes

  • Notikumi, jaunumi, pasākumi saistībā ar DiLab aktivitatēm
  • Jaunumi ārpus DiLab, jaunākie sasniegumi datorinženierijā un robotikā

  • Efektīva un organizēta sadarbība:
  • Piezīmes par projektu vadību, karjeru, industriju, biznesu...
  • KFS - Kiberfizikālās sistēmas

Starp citu


Kontaktinformācija / Contact Info

Jaunumi / News

Healthcare: from Pixels to Picture

Contemporary health care typically is looking at just a few pixels of our vital signs and lives, and trying to extrapolate the appropriate treatment, often over several iterations. What we really need is a full picture of our health to provide individual and effective treatment and timely preventive actions. Technology of sensors, communication and data processing can help us today already. But can we help ourselves, dealing with the privacy issues?

In English


  • EagleCAD notes - (Leo piezīmes) PC board CAD program, has a freeware license for a reasonable set of features
  • LED notes - LED links and resistor guide

Selected projects

  • MansOS - an operating system for embedded devices and sensor networks
  • Blender notes - a great tool, also for video editing



Jaunumu arhīvs