Chips cc2420
cc2420 ir RF transceiver for 2.4GHz communication, originally made by ChipCon, now owned by TI.
Main characteristics:
- 2.4 GHz, 1MHz resolution
- max data rate: 250kbps max
- output power: -25dbm - 0dbm
- energy consumption at 3V is just under 20mA. Can be less in various modes and tx powers.
- No. 11 = 2405 MHz
- No. 18 = 2440 MHz
- No. 26 = 2480 MHz
- For any channel X (11..26): freqency = 2405 + 5(X-11) MHz
Major datasheets:
- 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee-Ready RF Transceiver (Rev. B) (cc2420.pdf, 765 KB)
- CC2420 Errata Notes (swrz003.pdf, 252 KB)
- Boomerang radio parameters (TinyOS channel numbers to freqency, etc.)
Note, another chip cc2430 is SoC with cc2420 core for RF.