Topo to 3D
How to make a printable 3D model from topo maps - notes.
Get the topo map data
Get the topo map, in GeoTiff format. Possible sources are:
Convert to DEM
Convert the GeoTiff file to USGS ASCII DEM (Digitial Elevation Model) format. Possible tools are:
- On Linux: GDAL translate option
sudo apt install gdal-bin gdal_translate -of AAIGrid /yoursourcepath/output_alos.tif /youroutputpath/out.asc
- Or from another program like QGIS. Load your raster file and then from the menu: Raster->Conversion->Translate. You will have to manually edit the command to change the format from GTiff to AAIGrid
- You could import the map image to Blender and edit it there. There is a nice tutorial for that.
- Another tutorial using QGIS and DemTo3DPrinting plugin.