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Tunneling to socks proxy

From here: ssh-tunnel-socks-proxy

In short:

ssh -D 9999 username@ip-address-of-ssh-server
# Then set in Firefox to use a SOCKS proxy: “localhost", port 9999

Tunneling between any two ports

Say, you want to read a remote server web page, but there is only ssh port open on the server. If you have a valid user account to the server, then you can create a tunnel, like this:

ssh -f -L -N

Now you can enter the following in your browser:

Or in general, -f means sit in background and -N menas do not execute any command:

ssh -f -L -N

Removing a key from the known hosts file

Note, you may run this for the hostname of the "old" computer and for the IP address.

ssh-keygen -R hostname