MansOS Platforms

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The executable and the object files are created by issuing a platform specific make and stored in build/*platform* directory. For example,

make telosb

will create a directory build/telosb with all the object files and the executable in it. Once it is successfully compiled, you may upload it to the target device with:

make telosb upload


Currently, MansOS supports the following platforms:

  • telosb - TelsoB, Tmote Sky, Taroko mote, and clones based on MSP430F1611 controller and CC2420 radio transceiver
  • atmega - Atmega328 based platforms, such as Arduino
  • MSP430 Launchpad platform
  • pc - Used for simulation, a.k.a. virtual mote.
  • pcapp - For executable applications running on a PC platform.
  • Several other custom mote platforms, e.g. MSP430F1611-based SADmote, MSP430F2252-based Farmmote, and MSP430F2618-based TestBed mote.
  • santa - mote for steerable antenna array, telosb compatible.


You may configure the build process using the 'configure' file. In addition, some of the options may be included in the command line. For example:

make pc verbose

The following command line options override the configuration file:

  • verbose - provide more verbose messages during the build process
  • quiet - provide less verbose messages during the build process
  • optimize - turn code optimization on if possible