SEAL user tests
SEAL user tests were conducted to evaluate this domain-specific progamming language and compare it with TinyScript (another high-level mote programming approach).
The tests
Institution, date, participants:
- University of Latvia, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, October 5 2012, 4 physicists (including one excluded from final results)
- University of Latvia, Faculty of Computing, October 10 2012, 7 computer science undergraduate students (including one excluded from final results)
- Institute of Fruit Growing, October 11 2012, 2 agriculture scientists
- Institute of Electronics and Computer science, October 15 2012, 1 electrical engineer
The materials
- SEAL Tutorial (LV)
- SEAL component and function references
- TinyScript Tutorial (LV) with links to more complete TinyScript language and IDE documentation
- SEAL exercises (LV)
- TinyScript exercises (LV)
- Questionnaire (LV)
The results
To be done!