Introduction to Computer Science II
Shortcuts: Calendar | Assignments | Resources | [[#22.11.Template:CURRENTYEAR2 | Today (if there is a class)]]
What is Computer Science?
- From Wikipedia:
- Computer Science is the study of processes that interact with data and that can be represented as data in the form of programs. It enables the use of algorithms to manipulate, store, and communicate digital information.
- A video version from Udacity
Administrative information
Course Syllabus
- via slack: workspace name: bitl-cs2-2020
- via email: use instructor's email address for personal communication
- office hours: by appt.
Deliverables in this course include the following:
- Lecture questions - due by midnight on the next day, unless otherwise specified.
- Lab activities
- Homework
- Quizzes as scheduled on the calendar
- Final exam
Date | Topic | Deliverables | |
06.01.20 |
08.01.20 |
Objective: Setup your IDE (IntelliJ) for Scala and Python development on your laptop and write a simple Scala program. Reading/Reference:
10.01.20 |
Objective: Write a program that can read the lines of a file in a strongly typed language (Scala) and store values in a data structure Reading/Reference:
13.01.20 |
Objective: Test your own code without needing AutoLab HW1 announced. Reading/Reference:
15.01.20 |
17.01.20 |
Objective: Define and use classes Reading/Reference:
20.01.20 |
Objective: Describe how the program stack and heap store values in your program Reading/Reference: |
22.01.20 |
Objective: Use a debugger to see the state of your program during execution Reading/Reference:
24.01.20 |
27.01.20 |
Objective: You will be able to write abstract classes and concreted classes that inherent an abstract class Reading/Reference: |
29.01.20 |
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31.01.20 |
Objective: You will study polymorphism and apply it to use JSON in a strongly typed language Reading/Reference:
03.02.20 |
Objective: You will gain experience with the state design pattern to dynamically change the behavior of an object Reading/Reference: |
05.02.20 |
Objective: Gain more familiarity with the state design pattern by reviewing the Jumper code |
07.02.20 |
Objective: Gain more familiarity with the state design pattern |
10.02.20 |
Objective: Build desktop GUIs Reading/Reference:
12.02.20 |
Objective: Become familiar with the MVC architecture pattern and its benefits Reading/Reference: |
14.02.20 |
17.02.20 |
Objective: Write programs with multiple pieces of code executing at the same time Reading/Reference: |
19.02.20 |
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21.02.20 |
Objective: Write unit tests for actors and connect to a MySQL server Reading/Reference: |
24.02.20 |
Objective: Enable 2-way communication between the browser and web server Reading/Reference: |
26.02.20 |
Objective: Connect a Scala front end to a web socket server Reading/Reference: |
28.02.20 |
02.03.20 |
Objective: See an example using the MMO architecture form this class |
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04.03.20 |
Objective: Explore the MMO architecture applied to the course project |
06.03.20 |
09.03.20 |
Objective: Explore custom sorting in scala and gain experience with function and type parameters Reading/Reference: |
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11.03.20 |
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13.03.20 |
Objective: Gain an understanding of recursion combined with first-order functions and type parameters Reading/Reference: |
16.03.20 |
Objective: Understand the structure of a linked list Reading/Reference: |
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18.03.20 |
Objective: Explore how various operations are performed on a linked list Reading/Reference:
20.03.20 |
Objective: Use a linked list to implement the functionality of a stack and queue Reading/Reference: |
23.03.20 |
Objective: Gain familiarity with the structure of binary trees and how to traverse existing trees Reading/Reference: |
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25.03.20 |
Objective: Explore an application of binary trees by using them for searching and sorting Reading/Reference: |
27.03.20 |
30.03.20 |
Objective: Learn how to represent a graph in code and work with that representation Reading/Reference: |
01.04.20 |
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03.04.20 |
Objective: Find the shortest path between two nodes using BFS |
06.04.20 |
08.04.20 |
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10.04.20 |
13.04.20 |
15.04.20 |
17.04.20 |
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20.04.20 |
22.04.20 |
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24.04.20 |
Assignment due dates are in the calendar.
Assignments are announced by the course Slack channel.
Every lecture has a lecture question that is due by midnight the same day. Submitting you work should be done in the respective GitHub repositories, as published in Slack.
HW1 description - Physics Engine
HW2 description - Calculator
[#HW3 HW3 description]
[#HW4 HW4 description]
- Project1 description - JRPG
- Project2 description - JRPG GUI
Look for resources in the calendar, after the lecture objectives.
- Tutorial about GitHub Desktop
- About version control - a lecture from MIT
- Scala Basics - (Except for classes, cases classes, and traits which will be covered later in the semester)
- Scala Conditionals
- Scala: Basic Types - We'll primarily use Int, Double, Char, String, Boolean, and Unit
- Slido for Q&A sessions
- The missing lecture at MIT about basic tools and techniques for CS.
For another time...
- Personal automation examples
- Apollo 11, computer warnings 1201,1202 while landing - story on Quora